Tag: Games Workshop

Imperial Space Marine

Somewhere last year I won this limited edition model after a sweepstake on YouTube. Decided to paint him up as an Imperial Fists space marine, since I really like painting yellow 🙂

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Ultramarines unit with commander and drop pod

I painted these up a couple of years ago, but never got to taking a picture of all miniatures together. It was supposed to be the start of my majestic Ultramarines army, but alas I never got any further than this 🙂

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Konrad von Carstein

Painted together with his brother Mannfred, this is Konrad. Well actually I’m not sure they are brothers, Warhammer lore is not really my speciality.

Again, close to the official color scheme, with an alternate skintone, and provided with a display plinth with removable gaming base.

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Count Mannfred von Carstein

This is the first of two Carstein vampires I just finished as a commission. The color scheme is very close to the original one, in combination with some colors I used on a previous project for that same customer (like the skintone for example). The figure is mounted on its original gaming base which can be removed from the larger display plinth (in progress picture here).

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Return to Sigmar

The project I kicked off during the summer months is still in its first phases: the Age of Sigmar starter set. In short assembly is mostly done, but painting-wise my progress can be summarized be the picture below. The entire set contains 47 figures, and I’m still working on the first eight of them 🙂 But that’s ok, for me it’s a break from higher quality work. On the other hand higher quality work will be a break from this very basic painting.
